Kezie Adventurous Foods Styled Food Photography Scottish Borders

It's amazing what is hidden away in the borders, I was really excited when Kezie Foods commissioned me to shoot the packaging and a range of serving suggestions for their 12 new exotic, gourmet ready meals.
After taking the booking over the phone, the next morning a large white package arrived with a range of meals in for me to have exactly the same experience as their customers would after placing an order online.  It was a chance for me (and the kids!) to sample the foods and play about with ideas for styling the shoot.
I had a really helpful meeting with the designer and printer of their booklets to see exactly how the images were being used in the new booklet and what formats they were required to be in.
We collected a multitude of props for the shoot and came together in a large room with great light for an entire day of cooking and shooting.
Here are some of the shots from the day, they make my mouth water!

Sarah Jamieson

I love my job. I get to capture children's first smiles, watch families grow, and I have the privilege of creating lifetime memories with them. I see couples look into each other's eyes and remember, all over again, how much they love each other. I get a kick from the pride and excitement on a business owner's face when they see their photography for the first time - pride in the company they have built and excitement about using my work to further future growth.

So if you would like to enhance your home or website with timeless photography that warms your heart and makes you proud, then welcome!

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